07895 277312

Vaginal Surgery...

Vaginal Surgery

Prolapse surgery

Vaginoplasty - the tightening of loose vaginal tissue usually occurring after child birth. This can be uncomfortable, embarrassing and can even lead to sexual dissatisfaction.

The stretched muscle at the back of the vagina is joined together and shortened with dissolvable stitches, and the unwanted skin is removed. This may be carried out under local or general anaesthesia.

Other procedures include

  • Anterior colporrhaphy - Repair of prolapse in the front wall of the vagina
  • Posterior colporrhaphy - Repair of prolapse in the back wall of the vagina
  • Refashioning of poorly healed perineal scar from birth trauma Repair of recurrent prolapse
  • Treatment of the complications of vaginal prolapse repair with synthetic mesh.